Lecture 3: Processes

Concepts of Process

A process (Job) is a an active entity in which a program is running. This differs from a program as a this is a passive entity stored on a disk or executable file, it is the code itself that has yet to run.

For instance, say you have a Dolphin emulator and you can retrieve games from emuparadise vs CoolROMs. All the files on these websites are just programs, passive entities. However, if you did not do your research, when you unzip the downloaded passive program and run it, it becomes an active entity (process), and will either play the a game or give you a virus. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There are Multiple parts to a process

  1. Text section - program's code

  2. Program Counter - monitors activity occurring in the program, and keeps track of which line is being executed

  3. Stack - contains temporary data of a program

    • ie function parameters, return addresses, local variables

  4. Data section - global variables

  5. Heap - dynamically allocated memory during runtime

    • Bigger in size and relatively slower

Dynamic allocation of memory is created because user or programmer is unsure of the amount of memory needed for the program before running

    • This could include creating arrays to hold values until a larger array can be created

A Program moves from being a passive entity to a process when the program is started via user input

  • GUI mouse clicks, cmd line, etc.

A program can be several processes and it is important to consider multiple users executing the same program, such as online gaming or D&D and Beyond (ask Later)

Process in memory

The space in between stack and heap is a shared library region. In addition to API used by program, it is room for the stack to grow down or heap to grow up without risking running out of memory

This was taught briefly in CPS 151, and More in depth in CPS 350

Process State

As the Process executes in a system, there are various states the process can enter

  1. New - Process is being created

  2. Ready - A process is waiting to be assigned to the processor

  3. Running - Instructions are being executed

  4. Waiting - Process is waiting for an event to occur

  5. Terminated - The process has finished execution

Example: Think of a video game and how there are different states. There is the start game state where you start a new file as a character, there is a menu where, depending on the game (jklj Blood borne) it stops the other processes on the screen from moving, a save state, and an end game state.

Note: I will add details about slide 3.7 later

Process Control Block (PCB)

Also known as the Task Control Block , the PCB is a Data structure created for each process, and includes all information about the process.

Parts of the PCB include

  1. ***Process State - Running, Waiting, terminate, etc.

  2. ***Program Counter - Location of instructions that is to execute next

    • Holds address of the next instruction to be executed in the process

  3. ***Process ID - What Process is running at the time and sees what the Parent Process ID is if it has a parent

  4. CPU registers - contents of all process-centric registers

  5. CPU Scheduling Information - priorities scheduling queue pointers

  6. Memory-management Information - memory allocated to the process

  7. Accounting Information - CPU used, clock time elapse since start, time limits

    • This Includes the User and Kernel operations

  8. I/O Status Information - I/O Devices allocated to process, list of open files

For More information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ea63gRbEgkw


A Thread is a process / flow of execution.

However, if there are multiple program counters per process, there are more threads.

To have multiple program counters, it means there are multiple locations of a process that can be executed at once. Thus there are multiple threads to control hence the term "threads"

For a general example (not exact), GOland has a function called go routines. It means that multiple process can run parallel to each other. Say these processes all contribute to an overall objective, it can be compared to threads

<--- CPU Switching Processes

Context Switch

In order a CPU to switch Processes, a context switch is used.

A context switch, while costly, has the system save the state of the old process and load a saves state of the new process. This, I am assuming, is related to interrupts and how they switch between processes

  • Context of a process is represented in the PCB

  • Note: The system foes not do useful work while switching. If it could, there would be no use for a context switch.

    • the More complex the OS and PCB means the longer the context switch

The time for a context switch to occur is dependent on the hardware suppose

  • Are there multiple registers per CPU, which means there can be multiple contexts loaded at once\

A short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS1GOdXFLJo

Process Scheduling

A schedule is needed to to maximize and optimize CPU use. It is what handels removing processes once execute or elapse of time and moving new processes to the CPU.

The process Scheduler maintains scheduling queues of processes

  1. Job Queue - set of all processes in the system

  2. Ready Queue - set of all processes residing in the main memory, ready and waiting to execute

  3. Device / Block Queue - set of processes waiting for an I/O device

For more information: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/operating_system/os_process_scheduling.htm#:~:text=Definition,of%20a%20Multiprogramming%20operating%20systems.